백지, 세신, 백강잠 및 면간방이 피부미백에 미치는 영향
The effect of Baeckji, Seasin, Baeckgangjam and Myunkanbang on skin-whitening
저자명 전상훈, 임미혜
문서유형 학술논문
참고문헌 13건
학술지 한국유화학회지 제28권 제2호 통권 83호 (2011년 6월) pp.161-169 1225-9098 KCI
발행정보 한국유화학회 |2011년 |한국 |한국어
To develope new natural substances for whitening agent, Baeckji(Angelica dahuria;BK), Seasin(Asarum sieboldii;SS). Baecjgangjam(Bombycis corpus;BGJ) and Mynkanbang(MKB) were selected and extracted by hot water and 70% EtOH, respectively. Hydrothermal and ethanolic extracts of BK, SS, BGJ and MKB were evaluated for anti-oxidative effect, tyrosinase activity, melanogenesis of B16 melanoma cells and changes in level of tyrosinase expression by using Western blotting. All hydrothermal and ethanolic extracts showed scavenging activities of free radicals against 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) but no inhibitory effect on tyrosinase activity. Ethanolic extracts of BK, SS, and BGJ and especially highly, those of MKB inhibited production of melanin in B16 melanoma cells and were able to reduce the level of tyrosinase expression in B16 melanoma cells. These results suggest that ethanolic extracts of BK, SS, BGJ and MKB can be an effective whitening agent from natural plant.