補中益氣湯 加味方으로 치료한 여드름 환자의 임상 보고


補中益氣湯 加味方으로 치료한 여드름 환자의 임상 보고


A Clinical Study about the effect of Bojoongikki-tang on Acne


저자명 이진아, 홍승욱


문서유형 학술논문


참고문헌 21


인용된횟수 1


학술지 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 제21권 제2호 통권36 (2008 8) pp.191-197 1738-6640 KCI 


발행정보 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 |2008 |한국 |한국어




Objective : This study is to investigate the effect of Bojoongikki-tang on Acne patients Methods : We treated 3 acne patients diagnosed as the deficiency of Qi with Bojoongikki-tang(Buzhongyiqitang), comedon extraction by needle and stamp acupunctures. After treatments we compared the before and after photos, and estimated by Korean Acne Grading System(KAGS1-4). Results & Conclusions : After taking Bojoongikki-tang(Buzhongyiqi-tang) and extruding comedones by needle, the acne was improved. After stamp acupuncture, the acne scar was improved. This study shows that the acne can possibly be diagnosed as the deficiency of Qi. So further studies are needed continuously.