여드름을 중심으로 한 피부질환 환자의 삶의 질
The Quality of Life of Skin Disease Patients, Particularly Acne Patients
저자명 변학성, 엄유식, 허인희, 심성용, 김경준
문서유형 학술논문
인용된횟수 1건
학술지 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 제19권 제1호 통권 제29호 (2006. 4) pp.65-77 1738-6640 KCI
발행정보 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 |2006년 |한국 |한국어
Background : Quality of life(Qol) is a broad concept that incorporates all aspects of an individual's existence. There is many study about Qol of the patient with dermatic disease in the west, but in korea there is few study, particularly for oriental medical academic world. Objective : The purpose of this study is to Investigate the influence of dermatic disease, particularly acne on the Qol by using the korean version of skindex-29. Method : We measured the Qol of Kyungwon university student participating in Dongseo health examination by using the Korean version of Skindex-29. A total of 535 students were enrolled In this study. Results are reported as 3 scales scores (functions, emotions, and symptoms) and a composite score (average scale score). Result : 1) There were no statistically significant gender-related differences in Qol scores in patient group with acne. 2) There were no significant correlation between Age Duration and Qol socres in patient group with acne. 3) Acne group marked higher Qol scores than contact dermatitis and normal group (lower than Acne with atopic dermatitis group) within emotional scales. 4) Acne group marked higher Qol scores than scar, tinea cruris, and normal group (lower than Acne with atopic dermatitis group) within functional and total scales. 5) Acne group marked higher Qol scores than tinea cruris and normal group (lower than Atopic dermatitis group) within symptom scales. 6) In acne group that feel the necessity of medical treatment, group that be treated by occidental medical method marked lower Qol scores than group that don't be treated within functional, symptom, and total scales. 7) In acne group that don't be treated, group that feel the necessity of medical treatment marked higher Qol scores than group that don't feel within emotional, functional, and total scales. 8) Acne group that don't fee the necessity of medical treatment and be treated marked high scores than normal group within all scales. Conclusion : Acne is sometimes thought of as unimportant, but Acne significantly affects patient's Qol. Occidental medical treatment can help Acne patients to improve Qol. Even if someone who suffering from acne feel that he don't need to be treated, he had lower Qol than healthy controls. And we can expect that proper occidental medical treatment help him. But few study have discuss whether oriental medical method can improve Qol of acne patients. From now on we expect interesting study that measure effect of oriental medical therapy on Qol of Acne patients and compare with occidental medical therapy by using Qol mesure instrument.