여드름의 변증 유형별 주요 증후에 관한 연구


여드름의 변증 유형별 주요 증후에 관한 연구


A Study on the Major Symptoms by Each Pattern of Acne Vulgaris


저자명 정우열, 홍유진, 신준혁, 김윤범, 남혜정, 김규석, 이준희


문서유형 학술논문


참고문헌 25


학술지 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 제27권 제4호 통권58 (2014 11) pp.76-86 1738-6640 KCI 


발행정보 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 |2014 |한국 |한국어




Objective : This study was performed to find out the differential points of the pattern identification for Acne vulgaris and suggest them to the clinic setting Methods : We searched the papers that suggest patterns identification for Acne vulgaris through China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI), Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System(OASIS), Korean Traditional Knowledge Portal(KTKP), Korean Studies Information Service System(KISS). We looked through all the papers, excluded unintended papers, and finally chose some papers that are suitable for inclusion. Then, We extracted all the patterns of Acne vulgaris and chose frequently suggested patterns. Finally we extracted symptoms from selected patterns and arranged them in order of frequency. Results and Conclusions : 1. We found 215 papers and chose 17 papers (Korean : 6, Chinese : 11). 2. We extracted total 67 demonstrations and chose Patterns of Wind-Heat, Damp-Heat, Phlegm and Static blood, Disharmony of the Thoroughfare and Controlling vessels. 3. In Acne vulgaris, the pattern of Wind-Heat tends to have a red papule, sometimes pustule, pain with itching, burning sensation, tidal reddening of the cheeks, white head or black head. The pattern of Damp-Heat tends to have a pustule, node, redness and swelling, pain and greasy skin. The pattern of Phlegm and Static blood has a tendency to be a nodule or cystoma that is hard, dark, painful, long lasting and hard to recover and easy to recur with a scar, pimple, pigmentation. The pattern of Disharmony of the Thoroughfare and Controlling vessels tends to be exacerbated before menstruation, have a small papule that is not easily treated under the chin or around the mouth.