하니매화레이저를 이용한 여드름 흉터 치료 1례
Case Study on Treating Acne Scar Using Hani-maehwa Laser
저자명 이득주, 김철윤, 권강, 서형식
문서유형 학술논문
학술지 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 29(2) 106-111 1738-6640 KCI
발행정보 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 |2016년 |한국어
Objective : The aim of this study is to report the effect of Hani-maehwa laser(fractional mode) treatment on acne scar. Methods : The patient with atrophic facial acne scars was treated with 5 sessions of laser therapy at 4-week intervals. The therapeutic response to treatment was assessed at 3 months after last laser session. The treatment effect was evaluated by standardized photography, anti aging, skin brightness and flatness. That was measured by micro fluorescence measurement camera(ECO SKIN, Cuvitz Inc.) in 16(left zygoma) and 26(right zygoma) spot. And side effects were also checked. Results : Atrophic facial acne scars have improved markedly. Anti aging, skin brightness and flatness were improved. Especially anti aging and flatness were noticeably improved. Adverse effects were not reported.Conclusions : Korean medicine cautery method applies to high level laser(CO2 Hani-maehwa laser). These are different designs but same principle. It can be considered that laser therapy is effective method for treating acne scars.