한약 성분 함유 기능성 비누의 여드름 피부 개선에 대한 pilot test


한약 성분 함유 기능성 비누의 여드름 피부 개선에 대한 pilot test


A Pilot Test on the Effects of Improvement on Acne Skin - Using Functional Soap, Containing Medicinal Herbs


저자명 정재철, 노진주, 최민선, 김동일


문서유형 학술논문


참고문헌 25


인용된횟수 2


학술지 대한한방부인과학회지 제22권 제1 (2009 2) pp.182-190 1229-4292 KCI 


발행정보 대한한방부인과학회 |2009 |한국 |한국어




Purpose: The pilot study was done for checking the efficacy of using functional soap, containing medicinal herbs on acne skin. Methods: 30 participants with acne skin was recruited. They used functional soap during 8 weeks. Before and after the study, we checked the KAGS(Korean Acne Grading System) grade, and compared those score. For examining the clinical effect, global evaluation was done by both investigator and participants. Results: KAGS grade decreased from 1.6316 to 1.4211(p value = 0.042). And the clinical global evaluation was improved. Conclusion: This pilot test showed that using functional soap, containing medicinal herbs would be one of treatment on acne skin.