여드름 치료 한약 처방과 기능성 화장품의 개발을 위한 특허 자료 분석 연구


여드름 치료 한약 처방과 기능성 화장품의 개발을 위한 특허 자료 분석 연구


Analysis of Patent Information for the Development of Korea Traditional Herbal Formulation for Acne and that of Functional Cosmetics


저자명 김동일, 김수현, 안인숙, 최민선


문서유형 학술논문


참고문헌 13


학술지 대한한방부인과학회지 제27권 제3 (2014 8) pp.104-115 1229-4292 KCI 


발행정보 대한한방부인과학회 |2014 |한국 |한국어




Objectives: As treating acne is difficult and demands of cosmetic are increasing, the development of new Korea traditional herbal formulation and functional cosmetics of acne is required. The aim of this study is the discovery and composition for the development of new Korea traditional herbal formulation and functional cosmetics of acne. Methods: Searched patent informations related to herbal cosmetics published in 1996~2014, we extracted the patent information and analysis component about effecting of anti-inflammatory and anti-acne. Results: Out of 759 patent informations we searched, 72 those about effecting anti-inflammatory and anti-acne were selected. Also, 159 components of 72 patent informations were reclassified by frequency and characteristic. Conclusions: We expect the effect and safety of new traditional herbal formulation which is composed of high frequency herb in patent informations related to herbal cosmetics.