여드름 환자의 虛實에 따른 良導絡 및 적외선체열진단 결과 분석
저자명 정민영, 김대수, 박수연, 김종한, 최정화, 박용호
문서유형 학술논문
참고문헌 17건
인용된횟수 1건
학술지 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 제20권 제2호 통권33호 (2007년 8월) pp.171-178 1738-6640 KCI
발행정보 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 |2007년 |한국 |한국어
Objective : The aim of this study was to evaluate Yangdorak and D.I.T.I. for analysis of Symptom-complexes. Method : This study was selected 26 acne patients in Dongshin University Oriental Medical Hospital. We used Yangdorak (SME5800N, Sord Medicom Co., Korea) and D.I.T.I. (Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging 256, Dorex Inc, Orange CA, USA) and investigated the results of Yangdorak and D.I.T.I.. We made a comparison according to Deficiency or Excess(虛實) of acne patients. Result : In comparing Yangdorak results according to Deficiency or Excess(虛實) of acne patients, Triple-energizer(三焦), Intestine(大腸), Liver(肝), Stomach(胃) meridian in Excess group are higher than Deficiency group, and Kidney(腎) meridian in Deficiency group are lower than Excess group. D.I.T.I. reveald hyperthemia of face and chest on acne patients. The temperature of face and chest on Excess group is higher than Deficiency group. There is no statistically significant value compared with data of other group.