여드름의 鍼灸治療에 대한 考察
The Study on the Acupuncture Therapy of Acne
저자명 유은주, 최양식, 김종인, 고형균
문서유형 학술논문
인용된횟수 6건
학술지 대한침구의학회지 제23권 제4호 (2006. 8) pp.123-134 1229-1137 KCI
발행정보 대한침구의학회 |2006년 |한국 |한국어
Objectives : To research the study related to acnes with acupuncture In literature, and to establish the hereafter direction of treating acnes with acupuncture. Methods : We searched oriental medical literature, PubMed, NDSL and 1055 related to acne and acupuncture. Results : 1 Among the meridians, the Large Intestine Meridian, the Stomach Meridian, the Bladder Meridian and the Spleen Meridian were commonly used. 2. Among acupuncture point, Zusanli(ST36), Quchi(LI11) and Sanyinjiao(SP6) were mostly used. 3. The methods are focused on expelling wind-damp, heat-clearing, blood-harmony, transport function of stomach and spleen. 4. Auricular acupressure were used on Naebunbijeom, Pijihajeom, Pejeom and Shinmun.