硫黃이 여드름 유발균과 염증에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Sulfur extract on Anti-Inflammation and Anti-Propionibacterium acnes
저자명 이선용, 서형식
문서유형 학술논문
참고문헌 36건
인용된횟수 5건
학술지 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 제20권 제2호 통권33호 (2007년 8월) pp.68-76 1738-6640 KCI
발행정보 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 |2007년 |한국 |한국어
Objectives : This experimental study was performed to investigate the effects of Sulfur extract on anti-inflammation and anti-Propionibacterium acnes. Methods : The cytotoxicity of Sulfur extract about viability of Raw 264.7 cell were tested using a colorimetric tetrazolium assay(MTT assay). To investigate the anti-inflammation effects of Sulfur extract on LPS-induced macrophage Raw 264.7 cell, we used ELISA kit and Western blots. We evaluated anti-oxidation effects of Sulfur extract on HaCaT cell by Enzyme recycling method. And we investigated the inhibitory effects of Sulfur extract on Propionibactrium acnes using paper disk diffusion method. Results: 1. Sulfur extract has a little cytotoxicity in Raw 264.7 cell. 2. Concentration of $100\;{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ Sulfur extract inhibited the production of NO in the Raw 264.7 cell stimulated with LPS. 3. Sulfur extract showed a oxidation inhibition effect by decreasing the DPPH radicals. 4. Sulfur extract has not the significant inhibition effect of Propionibactrium acnes. Conclusions: These results indicate that Sulfur extract has anti-inflammation and anti-oxidation effects. If further study is performed, the use of Sulfur extract will be valuable and benificial in the therapy of Propionibactrium acnes.