자동 미세침(AMTS)을 이용한 여드름 치험례


자동 미세침(AMTS)을 이용한 여드름 치험례


A clinical report on the acne treatment with AMTS


저자명 성은진, 조은희, 박민철


문서유형 학술논문


참고문헌 10


인용된횟수 2


학술지 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 제23권 제3호 통권43 (2010 12) pp.236-246 1738-6640 KCI 


발행정보 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 |2010 |한국 |한국어




Background & Objective : Microneedle therapy system(MTS) is popular these days. However, there are few reports about it in oriental medicine academia. This study is performed to evaluate the effect of MTS on acne patients. Methods : This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of MTS. Seven patients were treated for 7 weeks. Follow-up was performed after the treatment with Janus facial analysis system, skindex-29 and Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging machine. Satisfaction degree and inconvenience were asked from the patients. Results and Conclusions : Microneedle therapy system(MTS) was good for acne like pore, wrinkle, spot(polarised), sebum, porphyrin and skin tone. Especially it had excellent effects on sebum and porphyrin.